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Was Medusa a Goddess?

Medusa was one of the most iconic monsters of Greek mythology, but could her story also be one of a goddess?

The story of Medusa seems to obviously be one of a terrible monster. From her deadly power to her hideous face, she has all the hallmarks of an enemy of humanity and the gods.

Fittingly, a great hero was dispatched to kill her. He did so with the help of many of the pantheon’s powerful gods.

Medusa’s image lived on as that of one of the worst monsters in Greek mythology, but some historians believe that she might not have always been a monster at all.

Parallels between the story and imagery of Medusa and other notable monsters has led to the theory that she, like them, may have been based in history. One of mythology’s most terrible monsters may have originally been a goddess.

The Traditional Story of Medusa

The story of Medusa is one of the most well-known in Greek mythology.

Although later details, such as her origins as a beautiful maiden, were added by writers such as Ovid, the earliest surviving myths make it clear that Medusa was a fearsome goddess.

Her features are common of Greek monsters. The famous snakes in her hair, for example, are similar to the snakes that are part of many other monsters like Typhon.

Medusa’s face was said to be so horrifying to look at that it could turn men to stone. A single glimpse of Medusa’s face was enough to kill a man instantly.

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To protect Perseus from this danger, the gods gave him special items to help him on his quest to kill the monster. Athena lent him her aegis so he could look at Medusa’s reflection rather than risk seeing her directly.

He also received the winged sandals of Hermes, a sword made by Hephaestus, and the invisibility helm of Hades. These did not all immediately help him kill Medusa, but it did allow him to escape her sisters.

Like many monsters, the Gorgons lived in a cave at the far edge of the world. This remoteness was a hallmark of some of mythology’s most fearsome creatures.

The fact that Medusa lived alongside two sisters is also notable in her interpretation as a monster. Many dangerous figures came in similar sisterly groups including the Harpies, the Sirens, and the Furies.

While Medusa could be killed, her sisters could not. Because they were immortal, Perseus had to flee from them instead of fight.

He did so by using the helm of Hades to escape their sight. The sandals of Hermes allowed him to fly out of their cave quickly before they could detect him.

Her hideousness, deadliness, and removal from the civilized word all made Medusa a monstrous figure. Her most monstrous attribute, however, was the determination of the gods to have her killed.

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Like many Greek monsters in mythology, killing Medusa was a task assigned to a semi-divine hero. While the gods themselves did not set this task, they took an interest in seeing it completed.

The assistance of Athena helped many heroes accomplish their goals. The involvement of other gods, however, made the destruction of Medusa seem like a high priority.

Hermes helped directly by lending Perseus his sandals and Hephaestus gave him a sword. Other gods played an indirect role in the hero’s victory.

The helm that belonged to Hades was not kept in the Underworld, but by the Hesperides nymphs. They were in the service of Hera, giving Perseus a connection to both of these deities.

And, of course, as a son of Zeus Perseus was directly connected to the king of the gods. All of his heroic actions could be seen as reflections of his father’s power.

Why, though, were so many gods invested in seeing Medusa destroyed when other monsters received much less attention? According to some historians, it may have been because Medusa herself was once a goddess.

My Modern Interpretation of a Goddess

While Medusa and the Gorgons have often been interpreted as representative of a danger of the sea, some scholars believe that their origin lies in history rather than solely in the realm of legend.

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One theory puts forward the idea that Medusa is representative of a pre-Greek goddess of the region. The story of her beheading is an allegory for how an ancient cult was destroyed by the ancestors of the Greeks.

If this is the case, Medusa would not be the only figure for whom this is true. Many other myths are interpreted as retellings of how the Greeks and their pantheon won power.

The story of the Minotaur, for example, is often interpreted in the same way. Many historians believe that it represents a time when the Minoan culture of Crete dominated the new Mycenaean Greeks.

Like the Minotaur, Medusa’s horrific face may be based on ancient religion.

The heads of both figures are inhuman, which is used to convey their monstrousness. Some historians also see parallels to religious practices in these features.

Many ancient religions used masks in their ceremonies. Priests and priestesses would wear images of their deities or monsters from their myths to take on the spirit of the deity.

One interpretation of the Medusa myth, therefore, is that she represents the priestesses of an unknown pre-Greek goddess. Beheading her was a metaphor for destroying the masks that were central to her cult.

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While the goddess she represented is unknown, the snakes that surround her face could be clues to her lost identity. Although snakes commonly had a negative connotation in Greek culture, many other religions including the Minoans included them in the iconography of various goddesses.

Some historians also believe that the existence of three Gorgons is further evidence to support this theory.

Many pantheons, including the Greek one, had triple goddesses. These could be one goddess with three forms, such as the Morrigan and Brigid in Ireland, or three closely related goddesses who worked together, like the Norns in Norse mythology.

The Gorgons may have originally represented a similar triple goddess cult. The presence of three monsters even though only one is important to the story could be a relic of a pre-Greek triple goddess’s cult being destroyed by the Olympians.

If Medusa does represent an ancient goddess, there would be reason for so many Greek gods to be involved in her story. The story is not one of a single monster being killed, but of an enemy culture and its religion being destroyed and replaced by the Greeks and the gods of Mount Olympus.

In Summary

In Greek mythology, Medusa bears many of the hallmarks of a monster. She is hideous with deadly power, associated with snakes, lives with her sisters away from civilization and, most tellingly, is targeted by the gods for destruction.

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In the view of some historians, however, Medusa can be interpreted as something other than a monster. They think that Medusa was a goddess.

Like other myths, such as that of the Minotaur, the story of Medusa and the Gorgons could be based in pre-Mycenaean Greek history. The monster in the heroic story could symbolize a pre-Greek religion.

Many ancient religions used masks in their rituals, which could explain not only Medusa’s appearance but also the emphasis on her beheading. The Gorgons collectively could indicate that this unknown goddess was part of a triple goddess cult.

Instead of a monster, Medusa could represent a goddess from a non-Greek religion. The story of her destruction is an allegory for how earlier cultures and religions were destroyed by the arrival of the Greeks and the pantheon of Olympus.

My name is Mike and for as long as I can remember (too long!) I have been in love with all things related to Mythology. I am the owner and chief researcher at this site. My work has also been published on Buzzfeed and most recently in Time magazine. Please like and share this article if you found it useful.

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