Mnemosyne: The Greek Goddess of Memory
Mnemosyne: The Greek Goddess of Memory
Mnemosyne was the Greek goddess of memory. Her name may be hard for most English speakers to pronounce, but you are sure to remember her nonetheless!
Mnemosyne, the Greek goddess of memory, was one of the most frequently called upon members of the pantheon. She inspired perfect memory when invoked by everyone from renowned poets to the nervous pupils in Greek classrooms.
But why was memorization so important to the Greeks? With stories and laws that long predated the written word, Mnemosyne was vital to ensuring the details of past events were not lost to centuries of imperfect oral tradition.
Even after writing became commonplace, however, Mnemosyne remained central to the Greek view of education, rhetoric, and philosophy. Even poets could not create their art without the help of both the goddess of memory and her nine daughters.
Mnemosyne the Titaness
Mnemosyne was one of the original twelve Titans, the divine children of Gaia and Uranus.
Of the six males and six females born to this pair, Mnemosyne was usually listed as the fourth among the Titanesses.
Little was ever said by ancient writers of what role, if any, the goddesses and Titanesses played in the Titanomachy. Very few were mentioned specifically as siding with Zeus and the younger gods, but most were assumed to have not taken part in the fighting themselves.
As was the case in Greek society, it was often thought that the goddesses, with the exception of the few who had dominion over aspects of war, sought shelter and waited for the outcome of the fight. In some stories, various Titans and monsters were even described claiming which of the goddesses they would claim if their side won the war.
One story said that the Titanesses, along with Hera, Hestia, and Demeter, took shelter in the palace of Oceanus, the Titan god of water. Oceanus remained neutral, offering his home to both younger goddesses and the eldest Titanesses.
While their brothers and sons were punished for fighting against Zeus, the Titanesses appear to have been spared. Because they did not fight against the Olympians they remained free and were welcomed into the pantheon of Olympus.
By and large, the Titanesses faded from prominence. Among the younger Olympian gods they were often seen as too archaic and remote to have a real place in the lives of Greek men and women.
They were occasionally referenced in older stories, but many were associated with younger, more popular goddesses.
Several of the Titanesses gave birth to children who soon outshone them. The younger generation often married gods themselves, expanding the family tree of Olympus.
A few, however, retained a measure of importance in their own right. Mnemosyne was one of these.
The Meaning of Memory
Mnemosyne functioned as both an elder goddess and a personified spirit.
Most of the personifications of the Greek pantheon were younger deities, the daimones. These spirits had little personality and few myths, but rather were synonymous with their functions.
Usually, these personified spirits shared their name with the thing they embodied. Nike, for example, was both the word for victory and the goddess that represented it.
In this way, Mnemosyne was much like her younger relatives. Her name came directly from the Greek word mneme, meaning “memory.”
Like all the Titan children of Gaia and Uranus, Mnemosyne had a function as a goddess of time. In her case, it was to inspire recollection of time in the past.
Mnemosyne embodied all types of memory, but was most specifically called upon in cases of rote memorization. Share on XThis was an important aspect of memory in the Greek world.
Greek education was centered around memorization. An educated Greek was expected to recite laws, lineages, histories, and poems from memory.
Because of her importance in this, and the fact that she essentially embodied the action of perfect recollection, Mnemosyne was one of the most frequently invoked goddess in the Greek pantheon. While she had few temples or cults, she played an important part in the daily lives of educated Greeks.
Mnemosyne and Memory
Before writing was adopted from the Phoenicians, every piece of Greek poetry, history, and law was passed down from memory. Even when writing became more common, illiterate Greeks still relied on this oral tradition and educated Greeks were expected to commit the works of great writers and philosophers to memory.
There was a tradition, therefore, of invoking Mnemosyne before any recitation. With the goddess’s aid, the speaker could hope to perfectly remember his lessons and form the best arguments.
Logic and rhetoric were important cornerstones of Greek education, and both relied heavily on recitation from memory. Even in matters of law, those making their arguments were expected to cite the words of the gods or ancient philosophers by rote to support their arguments.
The importance of this was illustrated in Plato’s dialogues, in which speakers called upon Mnemosyne to lend validity and authority to their arguments:
But besides the gods and goddesses whom you have mentioned, I would specially invoke Mnemosyne (Memory); for all the important part of my discourse is dependent on her favour, and if I can recollect and recite enough of what was said by the priests and brought hither by Solon, I doubt not that I shall satisfy the requirements of this theatre.
-Plato, Critias (trans. Bury)
While Mnemosyne was important for judges and lawyers, she was absolutely vital to poets.
The mythology and legends of the Greeks were passed down by poets for hundreds of years before they were written down. The only way to ensure the accuracy of the story was with the help of Mnemosyne.
Poets would memorize thousands of lines to tell epic tales like the story of the Trojan War. These pieces were set to music to aid the poets’ memories.
This can be seen in the works of Homer, some of the earliest written works of ancient Greece. The poet sang the Iliad long before it was written, beginning his poems with an invocation to Mnemosyne to recall over fifteen thousand lines of that poem alone.
As Greek culture adopted writing, memory and recitation were still highly regarded. Not everyone could read the works of Homer and Hesiod, so bards still sang their poems to teach people the stories of the past.
For the writers of later stories, however, Mnemosyne was less important. Instead, they would call upon her daughters.
The Mother of the Muses
Mnemosyne could help poets remember thousands of lines of verse, but she could do little to inspire them to create new works of literature. For that task, her daughters served as patrons.
According to legend, Mnemosyne spent nine consecutive nights with Zeus. From these nine nights, she bore nine daughters. Share on XThe daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus were the Mousai, the Muses. They were the goddesses of inspiration initially for poets, but later for artists of all types.
The earliest versions of the Muses were generalized goddesses of inspiration. They were often thought of as water nymphs who lived near fountains that caused a spark of divine inspiration in poets.
These were the nymphs of Hesiod, one of the earliest Greek writers. Because he lived in Boeotia, where the Muses were said to have their home, they are documented well in some of the earliest surviving writings of Greece.
As Greek culture and literature evolved, so too did the Muses. Eventually the nine were thought to specialize in different arts, particularly written works and music.
They were:
- Clio – The Muse of history, she used her mother’s gift of memory to recall past events and inspired men to write compelling works about them.
- Calliope, she was particularly invoked by the writers of the great works of ancient literature.
- Erato – She was the goddess of love poetry. Her name, related to that of Eros, meant “desired” or “lovely.”
- Polyhymnia – Hymns, poems of praise to the gods, were her specialty. She was also a Muse to mathematicians, who were considered philosophers in the Greek world.
- Euterpe – Her speciality was lyric poetry, which told personal stories instead of epic tales of the past.
- Melpomene – One of the two Muses of theater, she inspired the playwrights and actors of tragedy.
- Terpsichore – She was the Muse of dance. She also gave inspiration to the chorus in Greek theater.
- Thalia – The counterpart of Melpomene, she inspired theatrical comedies.
- Urania – She gave inspiration to astronomers. In the later years of the Roman Empire she was said to inspire Christian poetry.
Even after her daughters rose to prominence as the favorite deities of writers and musicians, Mnemosyne continued to be important.
Without memory of past works, poets could not draw upon the works of the past to create new pieces. Dances could not remember their steps, actors their lines, or philosophers the arguments of the ancients.
Mnemosyne was no longer the only conduit of art, but as the mother of the Muses, she continued to be the place from which it all originated.
Mnemosyne the Oracle
One thing Mnemosyne had in common with her sister Titanesses was a gift for oracular prophecy.
As time goddesses, all the Titanesses had some insight into the workings of fate. They could see beyond the present time and even the past and gain unique insight into the future.
The future was not an uncertain thing in the Greek world, although knowledge of it was hidden. The Fates had determined the course of each man’s destiny, so for Mnemosyne to see the truth of the future was as natural as seeing the truth of the past.
Mnemosyne was therefore, like the other Titanesses, sometimes associated with oracles.
At the sanctuary of Trophonios in Boeotia, for example, Mnemosyne played a key role in revelations of the future and hidden truths. A combination of the effects of Lethe (Forgetfulness) and Mnemosyne made a man forget his current preoccupations and remember full truths.
Those who sought the oracle’s wisdom first drank from the waters of the River Lethe, then from the waters of Mnemosyne. This seems to have been in keeping with certain mystery cults that believed that Mnemosyne was also embodied in an underworld river.
Lethe cleared away distractions while Mnemosyne brought memory into sharp focus. Together, the two could reveal hidden truths. Share on XAccording to Pausanias, the impact was so intense that men had to be physically carried from the temple, overwhelmed by the clarity of their memories.
In temples of the physician-god Asclepius, too, Mnemosyne was invoked, While supplicants slept in the temple they prayed to remember the visions they had in their sleep, which would be reported to the priest in the morning to inform their course of medicine.
Mnemonic Goddess
Greek names can often be hard for speakers of modern English to pronounce. Mnemosyne’s name contains a particularly tricky combination of consonants that is not typically found in English.
It is, however, found in a commonly used work in English education. Mnemonic devices are used often to aid in memory.
Mnemonic devices are our modern nod to the importance of Mnemosyne. Whether it’s an acronym to remember chord progressions or a rhyme to remember mathematical equations, students around the world still invoke Mnymosyne in their own way.
More surprisingly in the modern world, Mnemosyne’s name also inspired a distinctly 21st century cultural phenomenon.
The Greek word mimema, closely related to mneme, meant “to imitate.” A thing could not be imitated unless it was first remembered well.
In 1976, Richard Dawkins shortened the word to describe the transference and change of cultural ideas and behaviors. Modelling after the world “gene,” he shorted the Greek world for memory-inspired imitation to “meme.”
Decades later the word would gain popularity on social media. The viral images and videos you share with your friends are, in an indirect way, a nod to the Greek goddess of memory.
The Goddess Mnemosyne
Mnemosyne was the Greek goddess of memory. One of the original twelve Titans, she served as both an ancient deity and a personification.
Mnemosyne’s name was particularly invoked to allow perfect recollection from rote memorization. Before the advent of writing, such perfect recall was necessary to preserve the stories, laws, and genealogies of Greece.
Mnemosyne was invoked by philosophers and lawyers to give authority to their arguments as they cited works of the past. But she was particularly important to poets, who memorized thousands of lines of poetry by rote to spread their stories.
Mnemosyne was often invoked alongside the Muses, her nine daughters with Zeus. While she allowed for perfect recall of what was learned, her daughters inspired new works in the arts, math, and astronomy.
As a Titaness, she was also a goddess of time. At the sites of oracles, it was believed she could reveal truths about both the past and what the Fates had dictated for the future.
Mnemosyne’s name inspired the modern usage of mnemonic devices, learning techniques that aid in memory and retention.