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Demeter: The Greek Goddess of Grain

Demeter: The Greek Goddess of Grain

If you think Demeter was just an earth goddess, think again! There’s more to Demeter than just grain.

Demeter was the Greek goddess of agriculture, specifically of cereal grains. That might seem like a highly specific job for an Olympian, but in a culture where people lived mostly on bread the goddess of grain was one of their most important deities.

Demeter was more than just the giver of a good harvest, though. The life-sustaining goddess was also associated with death and the underworld.

This is apparent in Demeter’s most famous story, her search for her missing daughter, Persephone. The legend ties growth and vegetation together with the underworld in an endless cycle of death and new growth.

So how was a goddess of grain also a goddess of the cycle of death? Keep reading to find out all about Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture!

The Family of Demeter

Demeter was one of the five children of Chronus and Rhea who were swallowed by their father. The ruler of the Titans had been warned that one of his children would someday rise up to take his throne, so he ate his newborn sons and daughters to avoid losing power.

Zeus, the last of Rhea’s children, avoided this fate however. His mother hid him away and tricked Chronus into swallowing a rock instead.

When Zeus was grown and returned to challenge his father as was foretold, his first task was to free his siblings. With the help of a sympathetic young Titaness, he tricked his father into swallowing a drink that made him regurgitate the children he had swallowed whole.

Zeus’s brothers, Hades and Poseidon, joined him in the fight. With their allies, they spent ten years battling to unseat their father.

When they won the Titanomachy, the younger generation of gods established their new seat of power on Olympus. The three brothers were joined by their sisters – Demeter, Hera, and Hestia.

Her earliest relationship, as described by both Homer and Hesiod, was with her brother Zeus. They had one daughter together, Persephone.

Zeus, however, went on to marry their sister Hera. Demeter never married, although she did give birth to a few more children.

Later in her life, she was pursued by Poseidon. She attempted to hide by turning into a mare and mingling with a herd of horses, but her brother took the form of a stallion and caught her easily.

The two had two children together. Despoina was a goddess of the mystery cults, while her brother Arion was born as an immortal horse.

Demeter also had one mortal love, Iasion. According to legend, she lured him away from a wedding feast and they made love in a freshly plowed field.

Zeus immediately knew what had happened when he saw the dirt on his sister’s back. He struck Iasion dead with a thunderbolt for daring to touch a goddess.

Although he and Poseidon had many affairs with mortal women, such a thing was, to him, inappropriate when a goddess was involved.

Demeter had two sons from her affair with the human. Philomelus was a minor god of plowing while Plutus was the god of agricultural wealth.

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The Goddess of Agriculture

Demeter’s primary role was as a goddess of agriculture. She looked after grains and vegetables, ensuring good growth and a bountiful harvest.

Bread was the staple food in the diet of most Greeks, so Demeter’s role was an important one for their survival. Because of their reliance on the grains she oversaw, Demeter was one of the most widely venerated deities in the Greek pantheon.

In her role as a goddess of agriculture, she was closely allied with other goddesses of the earth and fertility. In fact, at least one ancient writer suggested that Demeter was not Zeus’s sister at all, but rather a renamed Rhea.

Demeter and Gaia worked particularly closely. Some stories said that Gaia was the mother of all things except cereal grains, which were the creation of Demeter.

Without the fertile earth, Demeter’s grains would not grow. But without grain, the humans and animals that were Gaia’s children would starve.

In fact, the end of Demeter’s name contains the same root as “mother,” further evidence that she was closely linked to the earth and fertility before the Greeks codified their mythology.

But of all the goddesses, Demeter was linked to none as closely as she was to Persephone. The mother and daughter shared a unique bond that formed the basis for one of the most memorable stories in Greek mythology.

Demeter’s Daughter

Persephone, like her mother, was a goddess of agriculture. As a maiden she spent most of her time by Demeter’s side, looking after vegetation.

What Persephone did not know was that her father and king, Zeus, was making very different plans for her future.

His brother Hades was the god of the underworld and rarely visited Olympus or the world of the living. He had decided that he needed a wife to keep him company in his realm.

Zeus agreed and proposed Persephone as a good choice. They knew, however, that Demeter would never consent to her favorite daughter being taken to the land of the dead and that Persephone herself would object to being sent to the lonely realm of Hades.

Instead of discussing the matter with either of the women, the two gods made a plan to kidnap Persephone. If they could do this without her mother around, the young goddess would be in the underworld and married before Demeter even knew what had happened.

There are many versions of the story that tells of Persephone’s kidnapping and her mother’s search for her. While the details vary, the general story is more or less the same.

Hades waited until Persephone was away from her mother, gathering flowers in a meadow with a group of attending nymphs. He burst out of the underworld on his golden chariot and snatched the maiden goddess up before she could give more than a single scream.

Very few heard her cry out as she was taken below the earth. Of those, the only one that knew exactly what was happening was Zeus.

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When Demeter realized her daughter was missing, she began a furious search for her. Knowing her daughter would not leave her willingly, she put on mourning clothes and went nearly mad with grief.

She wandered the earth for nine days without finding a trace of Persephone.

Bitter pain seized her [Demeter’s] heart, and she rent the covering upon her divine hair with her dear hands: her dark cloak she cast down from both her shoulders and sped, like a wild-bird, over the firm land and yielding sea, seeking her child. But no one would tell her the truth, neither god nor mortal men; and of the birds of omen none came with true news for her. Then for nine days queenly Deo wandered over the earth with flaming torches in her hands, so grieved that she never tasted ambrosia and the sweet draught of nectar, nor sprinkled her body with water.

-Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter (trans. Evelyn-White)

As she searched, Demeter came across many gods, men, and creatures that could give her no information. Some even mocked her pain or spoke ill of her missing daughter.

Finally, on the tenth morning of her search, Demeter came to the cave in which Hecate lived. The goddess of magic and witchcraft had heard a cry on the day Persephone disappeared but had not seen who took the missing girl.

Hecate had the idea to ask Helios if he had seen anything. From his position high in the sky, the sun god had a good view of most things that happened on the earth below as well as Olympus.

As Hecate had suspected, Helios had seen the abduction as it happened. He told Demeter that her daughter had been taken to the underworld, and further informed her that it had been done with the full knowledge and consent of her father, Zeus.

Demeter was furious, but the sun god tried to pacify her. Hades was the lord of his realm and brother of the king, Helios reminded her, making him a more than fitting groom for a well-regarded goddess like Persephone.

Greek views on marriage, particularly among the upper classes, weighed social status highly. Since Hades was her own brother and the lord of one of the three realms (the sky, the seas, and the underworld), Demeter could hardly claim that he wasn’t a suitable match for her favorite daughter.

The worried mother was not so easily pacified, however. She turned her anger toward Zeus, who had allowed their daughter to be abducted and not even told her the truth as she frantically searched for her.

She marched before the king’s throne and demanded to see her daughter. Until she did, she said, she would not set foot on either Olympus or earth.

It was a serious threat. Without Demeter, the plants that made food would shrivel and die.

Humanity faced starvation if Demeter refused to grace the earth.

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Zeus sent Hermes to the underworld to instruct Hades to bring his bride back to the surface so Demeter could speak to her.

Hades, however, was reluctant. He could not disobey a direct order from Zeus, but he worried that Persephone would refuse to come back with him once she saw her mother.

Hades was quite pleased with the wife Zeus had chosen for him, and did not want to risk losing her so quickly.

He tried to reassure Persephone that he would make a good husband who was devoted, kind, and honest.

By marrying him, she would also become queen of his realm. While the underworld may not have been her first choice of homes, the marriage would make her one of the highest ranking goddesses of the pantheon.

One rule for leaving the underworld safely, however, was that a person could not do so if they had eaten any of the food there. As he took her to the surface, Hades either tricked Persephone into eating a handful of pomegranate seeds or she ate a few in secret without realizing the consequences.

As soon as Demeter saw her daughter, they rushed to embrace one another. Demeter asked Persephone, first and foremost, if she would like to stay on Olympus with her and never go back with Hades.

Persephone had eaten the pomegranate seeds, however. In doing so she had eternally bound herself to the lands of Hades.

Demeter was horrified, and Zeus knew that if Persephone returned to the underworld forever the crops would once again be in danger. The goddess would never be happy unless her daughter was by her side.

He promised a compromise between Demeter and Hades. Persephone would split her time, living with her mother on Olympus but returning to her husband for one third of the year.

No one was entirely happy with this arrangement, but it was the best option available. They agreed and from then on Persephone spent four months of every year as the queen of the underworld and the rest of her time as a goddess of vegetation.

Despite the agreement, Demeter still sunk into a depression every year when Persephone was with Hades. For four months the grasses stopped growing and grains withered and died.

Explanations of how the months line up to the growing season vary between historians. Most interpret Demeter’s period of mourning as coinciding with the winter, as was claimed by Homer, but some claim that the withering plants and dead earth describe the brutal heat and dry season of the summer.

Punishments During the Search

As Demeter searched for Persephone, she sought her out in many parts of the earth. These wanderings brought her into contact with a wide variety of people and gods, some of whom were particularly unhelpful.

As a maternal goddess responsible for growth, Demeter was not especially known for her temper. Unlike her sister, Hera, she rarely made enemies.

In the search for Persephone, though, Demeter was distinctly more short-tempered and angry than she was usually characterized as. She did not hesitate to punish those that angered her while she worried about her daughter’s fate.

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Those that mocked or hindered her on her search faced the wrath of a worried mother.

  • Ascalabus, a man from Argos, mocked the goddess for eating quickly when she devoured the first meal she had eaten after many days of searching. Demeter turned him into a gecko.
  • Minthe was, in some versions of her story, an underworld nymph who had once been a lover of Hades. Out of jealousy, she insulted Persephone, so Demeter turned her into a mint plant.
  • Colontas drove Demeter away from his home when she sought shelter during her wanderings. For breaking the laws of hospitality, Demeter burned his house down with him inside it.
  • The Sirens have many origin myths, but one is that they were the nymphs who had accompanied Persephone as she gathered flowers. When they refused to help Demeter look for her, she turned them into monsters. In another version, they asked for the change out of guilt.

The Dark Side of Demeter

Demeter is most generally regarded as a life-giving goddess, but she had ties to the realm of death as well.

The myth of Persephone explained more than just the cycle of the seasons. It also represented a balance between life and death.

As goddesses of both the earth and death, Demeter, Persephone, and Gaia worked in close conjunction.

Nothing can grow without death, and seeds must be buried under the earth to sprout. The land of the living was linked to the underworld.

The connection between life and death was explored by a cult known as the Eleusinian Mysteries.

This sect sought to learn and understand as much about the afterlife as possible, and much of their worship centred around the mother and daughter.

They claimed their cult was founded by Demeter herself in gratitude for the people of Eleusis for offering refreshment and lodging when she was hunting for her missing daughter.

They believed that Demeter descended to the underworld every year to guide her daughter back to the land of the living. This was linked to the annual cycle of replanting.

The Greeks often stored grain in clay or ceramic vessels that were buried underground for safe keeping. These containers were almost identical to the funeral urns they used to bury their dead.

In the fall, grain was buried as though it was dead. In the spring it was brought back up and used to create new life.

To followers of the Mysteries, the annual “burial” and “rebirth” of Persephone mirrored the cycle of life, not just the seasons.

This cycle applied to more than just grain. The decent of Demeter to bring forth Persephone represented the endless line in which generations were born and died.

As goddesses of death as well as growth, Demeter and her daughter represented the cycle of life and death from year to year, generation to generation, and age to age.

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The Foreign Forms of the Goddess

As an ancient goddess of agriculture and motherhood, Demeter bore a strong resemblance to the goddess of many other cultures.

The archetype of the harvest goddess is one that is consistent across many cultures. Fertility, nourishment, and growth were all typically feminine aspects that were associated with female deities.

In some cases, however, the link between Demeter and other goddesses is so strong that it’s likely the stories influenced one another or had a common place of origin.

The Greeks linked Demeter to the Egyptian goddess Isis. Isis had some aspects of a maternal goddess, but was more closely associated with death and resurrection.

The Romans adopted Demeter into their own mythos, as they did most of the Greek gods, while conflating her with an existing local deity. Their goddess was known as Ceres.

Greek immigrants and slaves brought to Rome expanded the role of Ceres and her daughter, Proserpina, to more closely resemble that of Demeter. While Ceres had been a maternal goddess of agriculture, these Greeks brought in the underworld symbolism of the pair.

In Asia Minor, Demeter was associated with the local goddess Cybele.

Even in their own stories, the Greeks expressed some confusion about the exact nature of Demeter in certain myths. Some believed that she and Persephone were actually one and the same, or at least different aspects of the same being.

The same was often true for Rhea, Gaia, and other goddesses. Even Aphrodite, as a goddess of female fertility, was sometimes credited as another aspect of the agricultural goddess archetype!

To some, the story of Demeter’s search for Persephone brings to mind another archetype linked to the cycle of life and death – the triple goddesses of the mother, maiden, and crone.

In this interpretation, Demeter and Persephone fill the roles of the mother and the maiden. Hecate, the witch, is the crone.

As the first being to help Demeter on her quest, Hecate as the crone assists the mother in bringing forth the maiden to allow the cycle of life to continue.

Demeter the Goddess of Life and Death

At a glance, Demeter may seem like a simple goddess to understand. She is a goddess of agriculture and responsible for the grain that sustains human life.

Even in art, this simplistic view is reinforced. Demeter was generally pictured holding a sheaf of grain or a cornucopia, making it immediately obvious that her job was in growing the things that kept mankind fed.

But within the myths and worship of Demeter was a much more complicated idea.

Life, in many ways, depends on death. Death provides fertilizer for the soil, space for new growth, and the seeds from which the next generation of plants arises.

Demeter represented not just life, but the balance and relationship between life and death in the world of ancient Greece.

DEMETER: Demeter: The Greek Goddess of Grain

My name is Mike and for as long as I can remember (too long!) I have been in love with all things related to Mythology. I am the owner and chief researcher at this site. My work has also been published on Buzzfeed and most recently in Time magazine. Please like and share this article if you found it useful.

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