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Ananke: The Goddess of the Inevitable

Ananke is not one of the more well-known goddesses, but she was arguably the most powerful of them all. Read on to find out more about the inescapable Greek goddess!

The oldest gods in Greek mythology were the primordial deities. These abstract, elemental beings represented the fundamental building blocks of the cosmos.

Some of the primordial gods were physical. Gaia, Ouranos, Tartarus, and Oceanus were the manifestations of realms with a set space and physicality.

Other primordial beings were less concrete. Erebus was the embodiment of darkness, Aether was the air, and Chronos was the idea of time.

In some traditions, the foremost of all of these primordial deities was Ananke. Her domain is somewhat harder to define than those of her peers.

She was the primordial goddess of the inevitable. Her name has been translated to mean necessity, force, or unavoidability.

This made Ananke arguably the most powerful being in the Greek pantheon. She was the ultimate origin of fate and natural law, a goddess who was so powerful that even Zeus would never dare to cross her.

The Primordial Goddess Ananke

Ananke was not a goddess who appears to have been widely worshipped in ancient Greece. Only one image believed to be of the goddess survives and few texts mention her.

She seems to have been most important in the Orphic mystery cults. The mysteries focused primarily on understanding the secrets of death and the afterlife and often had very different myths than mainstream Greek religion.

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In this tradition, Ananke was one of the primordial gods. She was a self-created entity that came into being at the beginning of creation.

Ananke was the goddess of necessity, purpose, and inevitability. She was the first deity to have power over fate.

Ananke represented a concept that was central to the Greek worldview, but is difficult to translate into modern English.

Homer described her as a goddess of inescapable need, such as the necessity of fighting in some circumstances. The necessity she represented was not for a purpose, but was something that was entirely unavoidable.

She is sometimes described as the goddess of inevitability. No matter what measures were taken, nothing could avoid ananke.

As such, her name can also sometimes translate as “force” or “power.” This was not force in a physical sense but was instead the unseen force that drives all things.

She was so powerful that even the gods did not dare to question her or fight against her will.

Ananke was the consort of another of the primordial gods, Chronos. He was the god of time and she could be understood to represent the inevitability of its progression.

The emergence of Ananke and Chronos was said by some to have marked the beginning of creation. Before them there was only Chaos, a mass with no purpose, structure, or order.

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In Orphic mythology, Ananke and Chronos were the creators of the entire universe.

They were the first beings to emerge from Chaos. They coiled around each other in a twisting, serpentine form that wound throughout the cosmos.

In this cosmology, Ananke and Chronos worked together to crush the primordial egg at the center of the universe. It split to create the other primordial beings, such as Gaia and Oceanus, bringing structure to the universe.

In Orphic mythology, Ananke was the mother of Andrasteia. She was the goddess who distributed rewards and punishments.

A more popular story, however, claimed that Ananke and Chronos were the parents of the Moirai, or Fates. Both Plato and Aeschylus linked Ananke to the Fates, showing that her influence was known outside of the mystery cults.

The three Moirai were aspects of their mother and father. They set the time of a person’s life and death in a way that was both inevitable and necessary.

While many sources said that Zeus could command the Fates as the god of law, including the natural laws that bound them, others said that even he had no power over them. Only Ananke could influence her daughters, who were parts of her much broader power.

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As a primordial goddess, Ananke had a minor role in Greek mythology. The primordial deities were generally regarded as elemental forces rather than physical beings, so they generally had less concrete mythology than the gods who followed them.

Although only one account of a temple in her honor remains, described by Pausanias as being shared with the goddess of force Bia, Ananke was still an important being in the Greek worldview. She had little direct influence, but her powers were felt in every aspect of life.

Greek cosmology centered around the concept of natural law. The natural laws were the principles that kept the universe, and human society, orderly and functional.

The idea of natural law encompassed everything from the proper ordering of the seasons to rules regarding gender roles and family structure. These laws applied to the gods as well as men.

While human law could be modified and corrupted, natural law was unchangeable. Any deviation from the natural law could cause disaster.

The gods were responsible for maintaining and enforcing natural law. The Furies punished those who violated it, the Horai ensured that time moved at the proper pace, and Zeus inspired human rulers to make their own laws align with those of the gods.

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Over all of these, the Fates held sway. The Moirai set the paths of the lives of both men and the gods to make sure that each life fit within natural law.

Ananke could be seen as the force behind the Moirai. While they spun, measured, and cut the threads of fate, Ananke gave them their true power.

Ananke represented the inevitability of fate and the unchangeability of natural law. Without these concepts, the cosmos could not exist as the Greek people understood them.

This made Ananke arguably the most powerful deity in Greek cosmology. Even the other primordial gods and goddesses were subject to her inescapable nature.

As the king of the gods, Zeus sometimes defied even Gaia. No one was powerful enough to challenge Ananke’s role in the universe, however.

In Summary

Ananke was one of the primordial gods in some traditions of Greek mythology. She represented the inevitable, necessary force that drove all aspects of life.

As the partner of Chronos, the god of time, Ananke’s emergence from Chaos marked the beginning of creation. The establishment of necessity and time set the basis for all natural law and the structure of the cosmos.

Ananke was most important to the Orphic mystery cults, which focused on the inevitable powers of death and fate. They saw her as the first force in all of creation.

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In mainstream Greek religion, Ananke was sometimes called the mother of the Fates. She epitomized the inevitability of fate and the unchangeable forces that drove the world.

This unchangeable force was also the basis for all natural law.

Ananke’s domain is difficult to accurately translate, but it put her at the center of the Greek view of the universe. As the ultimate origin of fate and law, Ananke was a force so powerful that not even the gods would ever defy her.

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My name is Mike and for as long as I can remember (too long!) I have been in love with all things related to Mythology. I am the owner and chief researcher at this site. My work has also been published on Buzzfeed and most recently in Time magazine. Please like and share this article if you found it useful.

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