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What is Hestia the Goddess Of?

Hestia is a goddess who is often forgotten about among the Olympians, even though she was the sister of Zeus. The reason she’s absent from the stories, though, is because of the place she ruled over. Keep reading to find out more!

Hestia was the Greek goddess of the hearth. A sworn virgin, the sister of Zeus was believed to live in his household and tend to the domestic task of keeping his fire lit.

This may seem like a menial task, but keeping the hearth lit was actually a sacred duty to the Greeks, even when the fire wasn’t that of Zeus himself.

The hearth was the center of the home. It was also the center of public life and vital to ensuring that the gods received their sacrifices.

Hestia’s role meant that she was included in every burnt sacrifice and her altars were at the center of every home.

As a maiden goddess who sat by the fire, Hestia was also more relatable than many of her peers. Unlike her adventurous and dramatic family members, Hestia’s role was one that was familiar to many women in the ancient world.

Hestia represented ideals of virtue, duty, and domestic responsibility. Among the larger than life figures of Mount Olympus, she was a goddess whose lifestyle would be very familiar to the women who worshipped her.

Hestia’s Place in the Home

Hestia was one of the three sisters of Zeus. Along with Hera, Demeter, and their brothers she was swallowed by her father at birth.

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When the gods of Olympus successfully overthrew Cronus and the Titans, both Poseidon and Apollo petitioned Zeus for permission to marry Hestia. She was not interested in being the bride of either her brother or her nephew, however.

Instead, she swore an oath before Zeus that she would never marry. As the god of law and oaths, Zeus accepted her vow of chastity.

Instead of arranging her marriage, Zeus brought Hestia into his own household in an honored position. The virgin goddess was the keeper of his fire and became the goddess of the hearth.

Tending to the fire of the household was a sacred duty. The home fire was meant to be kept constantly hot, and letting it go out was a dereliction of one’s duty to the family and home.

While the fires of the home were vital, the fires of the state were, as well. As the keeper of Zeus’s fire, Hestia was also tied to the sacrificial pyres of the temple and the fires kept alight in the public buildings of Greek city-states.

The hearths of civic centers symbolized the people of the city having the same bonds as a family. The fire was such a central part of a city’s identity that when new colonies were established an ember would be brought from the home city’s civic hearth to kindle the new town’s own.

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The Greeks burned the sacrifices they made to their gods, so without a well-kept fire the gods would not receive their share. In temples, civic buildings, and homes the fire provided a connection between the people and their gods.

Because she watched over the sites of sacrifices, it was customary for Hestia to receive the first share of any burnt offerings given in honor of the gods. Hestia was often the first goddess invoked in sacrifices because she was believed to be directly receiving the gifts from her place near the fire.

Hestia had few temples, making it easy to overlook her importance in Greek religion. Instead, the hearth of every home was considered sacred to her, giving every family a connection to the virgin sister of Zeus whenever they cooked a meal or gathered around its warmth.

My Modern Interpretation

The virgin goddesses were highly respected in the Greek pantheon. While the mother goddesses were important, the sworn maidens presented an ideal of virtue.

Goddesses such as Artemis and Athena also vowed to Zeus that they would remain unmarried and chaste. Nymphs and human women who took similar vows often featured in stories in which they were transformed into trees or stars to protect them from men who would defy such oaths.

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While Artemis and Athena took positions in the pantheon that were not distinctly feminine, as hunter and warrior respectively, Hestia was a virgin goddess who held a role that was more relatable to her human counterparts.

Women in the Greek world enjoyed few rights and freedoms compared to those in modern society and some of their contemporary neighbors. They were mostly excluded from public life, civic functions, and even the social lives of their husbands.

For the majority of Greek women life revolved around the home and the family. In some social classes, women rarely even stepped outside of their homes except for special occasions, such as to visit family or for religious ceremonies.

While all women lived mostly in the domestic sphere, unmarried women in particular were kept close to home. They were considered to be in danger of abduction or assault if they were not carefully guarded, as is evidenced by the many times in which the gods themselves abducted women in the myths.

In much of the Greek world, a young unmarried woman’s entire world consisted of her home and family. Rarely stepping foot outside, like Hestia these women spent their time tending to their family’s fires and meals.

Hestia, far more than Artemis or Athena, fit the role of the unmarried Greek maiden. She dressed demurely and covered her hair with a veil that denoted modesty, while her maiden nieces went hunting and to war in unfeminine clothing.

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There are few myths to Hestia because she lived a simple, quiet life of duty. There are no temples because her worshippers, particularly the women who identified with her, were in their own homes.

While other gods and goddesses, even other sworn virgins like Athena and Artemis, were ideals of activity Hestia was a more relatable deity. She was known not as a paragon of strength or daring, but as an ideal version of the dutifulness and virtue that every girl in Greek households could aspire to.

In Summary

Hestia was a sister of Zeus. Rather than be married, she swore a view to her brother that she would remain a virgin.

Zeus brought his sister into his household and gave her the task of tending to his hearth. This was a sacred duty as the fires of a home were expected to be kept hot at all times.

Hestia’s role also bound her to the fires of public spaces and temples. In both civic and religious ceremonies, she was thought to preside over the fire.

As the Greeks gave burnt offerings to their gods, it was believed that Hestia played a key role in all sacrifices. Whatever god the offering was meant for, the goddess of the fireside would always receive a share.

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Hestia had few temples because household and civic hearths were considered her sacred spaces. She featured in few myths because her duty to her brother’s household kept her in the home.

As a virgin goddess of the household, Hestia’s role paralleled that of many women in Greece. The ideal unmarried woman was chaste and quiet and stayed within her home both out of duty and for her own safety.

Hestia, therefore, was a very relatable goddess to most women in Greece. While the other Olympians had great adventures, torrid love affairs, and vicious battles, Hestia embodied the ideal domesticity of an unmarried woman.


My name is Mike and for as long as I can remember (too long!) I have been in love with all things related to Mythology. I am the owner and chief researcher at this site. My work has also been published on Buzzfeed and most recently in Time magazine. Please like and share this article if you found it useful.

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