All posts tagged "norse"
Destiny Wyrd Urd: 3 Maidens of Norse Mythology
October 26, 2020Don't annoy a Norn, as she has your destiny wyrd urd in her hands!
Idun: How An Apple a Day Kept the Aging Away
October 26, 2020Idun's golden apples really did keep death away until she was kidnapped, that is!
Aegir and Ran: The Light and Day of the Sea
October 26, 2020In the case of Aegir and Ran, opposites attract, but what is the significance of these...
The Aztec Death God Mictantecuhtli
October 26, 2020Mictlantecuhtli was just one of many Aztec gods associated with death and the Underworld, but he...
Who is Mímir in Norse Mythology?
October 26, 2020The Norse guardian of secret wisdom might have lost his head, but that didn’t keep him...
Where was Midgard?
October 26, 2020One of the Nine Worlds that lay among the branches of the great World Tree, Midgard...
Loki and the Dwarves
October 26, 2020The story of Loki and the dwarves in one in which the Norse trickster obtains some...
Who Was Kvasir in Norse Mythology?
October 26, 2020The ancient Norse people believed that the gift of poetry came from the blood of Kvasir,...